My head as well as many other class mates’ heads have literally been stuck in textbooks whilst our hands have been taking note of the year’s educational substances. Examinations have approached and hood and I have had no time to provide you with hi-definition viewing like we should. I would thoroughly enjoy singing ‘Guess who’s back in the house, with a bunch of souvenirs and a smile for you mouth… ’ (Lupe Fiasco’s Paris Tokyo) however I still have two more exams left to keep me company as well as concerts and natures calling. We are going to see WuTangClan as well as Nas in this coming week so be sure to keep your eyes on the lookout as we will keep you posted about the occurrences of those nights. Normal coverage will proceed as soon as this crazyyyyyyyyy (pronounce in a LilJon manner) week is done and did with.
Simmer Down-D
Enjoy the imagery of the final days of schooling.

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