Mos Def made his way across Japan in March with two Current Music producers in tow. In the streets of Osaka, he busted out an acapella version of 'Casa Bey' and then 'Embassy' from his much anticipated album The Ecstatic.
You will see me in little form for a period of four months. I am so busy with books and notes and pens and study, seriously my thoughts are flying like jets all over the house, i think they may smash to smithereens. I however do believe that life without stress and strain is abnormal. To experience calmness or the usual chill fully we must also experience tension. At this juncture reality is real and i can only work hard to overcome this besieged period. Oh and then after it all i can actually sit down and start creating hi-definition, although Hoodrat is working on it presently. I have so many top priorities and objectives that i cannot wait to meet. When typing this the song that runs through my overlapped thoughts is "Stressed out" by A Tribe Called Quest and Faith Evans. I think that song encapsulates my state of mind, thus being stress.
Kid Cudi is out of this world. Firstly, he dresses in a style that supports his individuality and personality. Secondly, he creates amazing music (in the sense that you cant get it out of your head). And thirdly, the videos clips that support the tracks are incredible.
Still cant get over 'Day and Night'! Loving the clip to his new track 'Make her say'. Here it is.
Col·our : Aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, brightness, and saturation. It is associated with the visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which stimulate the sensor cells of the eye.
Stimulating my senses!
Supra TK Society 'X Games' Black/Neon Green and Black/Pink
Lupe had a FREE concert at St Louis where he performed his dopest tracks. He also performed 'Shining Down'. If you havent heard it, your crazy! Go get it.
Nothing Junky about this place. Dee and i decided to go to Broadway since I've never been. She knew of an antique store that sold fab things. Went with her on a lovely Friday afternoon and fell in love. Everything old is new again! I can so see all these things in my house.
+ Hidefinition. The Brand. + Hypebeast Blog. Represent the ladies on it. + Travel to America: New York, Chicago, ATL, Miami, LA. + Travel to Africa: Safari, Teach at a school. + Have a photo taken with Mr Fiasco. + See Mos Def live. + Visit a Rainforest. + Photograph for National Geographic. + Be on Survivor, the reality show. + Nora 'Become Australias number one female DJ'