This Thursday i met up with the crew at Circular Quay. We had quite the adventure! We were all over the place, so much happened i don't think I'm able to blog it all. So I'll type keywords: Pancakes, Silver man/woman, The elevator, Julio's secret spot, The sky, Opera house, Wharf, Water, Bats, Walk, Goodbye Kryspee, Free bus, George st, Kinokuniya book store, Art, Photography, Mr Toast, Japanese book of useless inventions, Goodbye Ameerah, Diagon alley Traffic lights, Darling Harbour, Stairs, Lindt cafe, Waffles, Stories, Laughing, Walking, Alphabet, Swings, Sky view Ferris wheel, Freaking out, Shaking, Fogging, Air conditioning, Walking, Chinese gardens, Photographer Zain, Chilling, Trespassing, Gypsy, Ducks, Cockroach, Running, Walking, Central, Home.
Oh man that was crazy. even typing the keywords i couldn't help but think what the hell we did. All i know is that we have a mad time when we're all together. If you would like a more detail account of what happened visit Fuzz's blog, he writes 'essays' :)
As zainy said 'Pictures say 1000 words'

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