Yesterday was a very splendid day in which Nora my fellow adventurer and i ventured into the streets of the city. I was on a mission as was Nora. I finally purchased my RayBan specs and Nora finally hustled for her 'i eat haters' jumper. When i say hustle i mean when she collected the jumper it was like a hustle. Prior to this the day was very loco, like our adventures usually are. We entered general pants and The Lupe cons were on sale so Nora bought a pair.We then ate the usual burger and salad with cola then went into Myer where we unfortunately did not spot Lupe lookalike. Nora went to her favourite keyboard and pretended to be a DJ, it was awkward to watch her scratch the keys but I'm used to it. Following this we went on a quest into oxford street as we wanted to view the Espionage store which seemed very exclusive. (Espionage is an urban street wear / sneaker store) We entered and a familiar face enlightened thy self. This really divine looking boy that i have rubbed shoulders with once in the past. He is very beautiful, and yes i don't think literature can sum up his beauty.Nora purchased a t-shirt for Zahra because i think she felt the need to be served by him. We went to get Nora's jumper after being served by pretty boy and she was excited. She doesn't ever take it off because she loves it so much. Its by this Sydney brand called
"Sneak Preview"and they design tees and jumpers. I will blog about them soon. Our day was ending as we strolled to the Bustop. Nora holding a bag with a pair of shoes in one hand and a jumper thrown onto the other. We glided through the central tunnel and i could hear a very familiar voice. Hood and my favourite busker was singing sweet tunes with his angelic voice. I gave him my spare change and smiled. We were out on the streets again at the Bus stop. I was reading the 3d magazine and was exhilarated when i found out that
'Blu&Exile' were coming to do a concert on Friday. They are truly the greatest.
Monday it is.
Woke up from a very wack dream. It was a very chilled out day. Hit the park in the noon as i was eager to sit on the fresh green grass under the suns light. I lay down and watched birds bees and a balloon sway in the sky. The kids were there so i managed to capture some photos and also be enlightened by their young behaviours. It was splendid and peaceful.

Peace, Dwalk.
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