
Goodbye and Goodluck.

University yesterday. It was my final Tuesday for the semester. Leema decided to organise a farewell celebration for me. Aysha and Risa were invited too. Finished class quite early so decided to meet Leema at Parra station. Grabbed a coffee and while i was waiting wrote down some heaps good ideas for HIDEF. My mind is like going wild. Theres so much i want to do. I actually wanted to start creating some designs for tshirts but i just dont have any free time on my hands just yet. Especially with uni wrapping up and all. Im just putting them down on paper and as soon as im done with exams i'll be drawing and blogging all my thoughts and ideas. So excited!

Met at Central round 6ish. Walked up to Market City Nandos. Great place to go when your not bothered and hungry. Its open till very late.

It was so good catching up. I love just sitting with them girls and talking. We could talk for hours and not get bored. And we laughed alot too. Conversation circled mostly around men or should i say the lack of them. The girls were pretty much in agreement that there was no hope. i don't know, for me though, it probably sounds cliche but i reckon 'the one' is out there. And we'll find him during a time were we least expect it or want it. One day it'll all just come together. Yay for optimism!

Here's some eye candy till then.


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